Double Chin Reduction Massage Dubai

30 minutes

It depends on the individual parameters of the patient

Cleanser firming cream or serum

2 to 3 times a week
Does massaging your chin make it smaller?
To get a smaller face, you need to massage the lymph nodes around your face to reduce any swelling. Other than making your face smaller, face massages can tone your facial muscles which will in turn tighten any loose skin.
What is Double Chin?
A double chin is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. It’s a condition that happens to all people of all ages all over the world. You see it in young people, middle aged people, and old people. It’s definitely more prevalent in older people and likely to form as one ages over time.
When most people think of massage, they think of relaxation or a means to use additional funds from their health spending account before the end of the year! Believe it or not, but massage is far more than a means to relax! Yes it does promote relaxation, but if done correctly it offers so much more.
Massage has a place in helping you deal with that pesky, annoying double chin. There are techniques of face, neck, and jaw massage, which if done correctly and consistently can greatly reduce the appearance of a double chin by bringing back some of that “tightness” to the skin.
What causes a double chin?
Age does play a role, but it’s not the only thing. As you age, your skin tends to lose its elasticity over time. This elasticity is what makes your skin tight, firm, and free of wrinkles. Over time you lose the elasticity and skin on the face starts to loosen. The result of this of course is skin that starts to droop and sag, and the result of this is a double chin, wrinkles and other facial features.
Weight is another aspect, and specifically obesity. If one is obese, he/she has a bigger likelihood of forming a double chin. Genetics is also another reason why someone might have a double chin.
Body contouring, or body sculpting can eliminate fat, shape areas of the body and tighten skin.
A face-lift is a procedure to lift and tighten sagging skin on the face and neck. HIFU, otherwise known as a non-surgical facelift.
Fat freezing, commonly known cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting, is an innovative, non-invasive procedure to reduce the appearance of fat on the body.
Ultrasonic body contouring works by delivering across the skin surface low-intensity waves that are directed at subcutaneous concentrations of fat.
Cellulite treatment with Emtone is a popular procedure for women who are embarrassed by dimpling on their buttocks, thighs, stomach, or arms.
Radiofrequency (RF) energy treatment is technology for non-surgical tightening of the early signs of loose or sagging skin.
SP3 (Electrotherapy Treatment) – Muscle stimulator for muscles growing is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses.
This is a revolutionary process that promotes the body’s natural functions and is a technique with a physiotherapeutic origin.
Body reshaping or body sculpting, can eliminate fat, shape areas of the body and tighten skin.
This releases muscle in the neck and shoulder, helpful for those who suffer from tension, headache, eye strain, migraines, sinusitis, and chronic neck pain.
This is kind of slimming massage goes a long way when it comes to reducing the amount of cellulite in our subcutaneous tissue.
Double Chin Massage Removal a massage used to contour, drain and firm jaw line naturally.
Eye Massage Treatment is one great rejuvenating messages for tired eyes from staring at the computer.